Jhelum Chakravorty

A one-liner about self

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I heard that a proper way with words can sway one’s mind. Not sure that my renditions corroborate the adage ‘the pen is mightier than the sword’, but I am hopeful that the pain (of imprinting my thoughts on internet) might do the trick. If the following verbosity manages to bring forth even a momentary arrhythmia or to trigger a single neuron, I shall consider my work done.

Since I am no author, it is not easy for me to capture in all honesty the plethora of the action-reaction sequences that take place in my heart and brain every now and then. Still, in the attempt of making the content of this blog a tad more comrpehensible and standalone, I have jotted down pieces of similar flavour, shape and size within a broader subclass. There are three such subclasses:

  1. E-motion: contains non-fictions involving myself as a mute spectator and not-so-mute narrator
  2. His-story: contains stories involving anyone but me
  3. Po-aim: contains short poetries

E-motion: Motion for emotion

Po-aim: Feeling rhythmic in bENGaLIsh